Greetings. In this brief update you will find below a picture of the front cover of the soon-to-be launched magazine “The Mahjong Collector“. This is a quality publication that will feature articles on Mahjong history, tile restoration, tile symbolism, interviews with collectors etc. Plus it will be replete with plenty of stunning photos of a wide variety of tile sets,… ...Read More
Greetings! The article “Pre 1920 Names” is currently undergoing a major update. Highly significant data is being added to the article that will illuminate the game’s prevalence during the period from 1880 – 1920. This information will also shed light on the many names of the game during this period – a fact that was highlighted no less than by… ...Read More
Welcome to returning visitors and, since the last post, extra visitors from Colombia, Lebanon, South Africa and South Korea. Updates: Firstly, 15 new examples of ‘Chinese Bakelite’ sets have been added to the Category 2.0, Synthetic section of the ‘Tile Set Galleries’. More examples to follow. These newest additions serve to illustrate that although the general iconography is the same… ...Read More