A short update. Two new additions to the Gallery 2.0 Page 3 Slide-top sets. Tile Set 75 and 76. Soon to be added: an interesting Chinese bakelite set featuring animals on the Eight ‘Flowers’. Due out shortly is the Autumn/Fall edition of the Mahjong Collector. Please check for the advert. ...Read More
Greetings. The update to the Tile Set Galleries/Gallery 2.0/Bone and Bamboo has been completed. This Gallery has now been split into four pages. Each page is devoted to bone and bamboo sets that are based on the Culin pattern and are housed in a particular type of container. Page 1 has sets in wooden cabinets with sliding fronts. Page 2… ...Read More
Welcome. Note; recently acquired tile sets have been added to the Tile Set Gallery, Gallery 2.0/Bone and Bamboo/sets 73 and 74. Also, because this Gallery is so large, it will in due course be split into a number of pages. This will make the loading of the Gallery images quicker. Three new and very interesting Chinese Mahjong card decks have… ...Read More