

Greetings. In this post I would like to draw your attention to updates to the Tile Sets Galleries, Category 2.0/Bone and Bamboo/Slide-front Cabinets and Slide-top boxes. One new set has been to each Gallery, Tile set 87 and Tile Set 88, respectively. Further, updates have been added to various captions in both Galleries. Both tile sets have unique and interesting… ...Read More


Welcome.  The latest Edition of the high-end glossy magazine The Mahjong Collector is out now (see below). Issue 1 2016 features articles on such subjects as Riichi Mahjong, Golconda playing cards, home-made sets, boxes, maintenance of American trumpet cased sets etc. There will be updates to articles and tile set Galleries in due course. ...Read More


Greetings click now. The Spring Issue of the Mahjong Collector magazine is soon to be published. It will feature articles covering Mahjong playing cards; Flower tiles connected to Mei Lanfang; Riichi Mahjong; Home-made sets; boxes and and American trumpet cases; tile materials and a guest collector, tile set accessories and an article of the Year of the Monkey. All articles are… ...Read More

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