I am currently editing the Money-Suited Cards section and introducing an explanatory Introduction about how the cards can be arranged according to the style of their iconography. Also added are two new arrangements of the ma diao deck of 38 cards. This arrangement is important as it shows how the Cash suit was reversed in strength and how the top… ...Read More
I should point out that this site is based in the UK. I have added most of the captions to the Tile Set Gallery 2.0/Synthetic. Special thanks to Ray Heaton for his additional translations. Next up will be links to other sites devoted to Mahjong plus more examples of Chinese three-suited playing cards that use the money suit system. Special… ...Read More
More new sets added to the ‘Guest Contributions‘ section in Tile Set Galleries. My thanks go out to the collectors who have allowed their magnificent sets to be displayed on this site. Secondly, to Literature Gallery 2.0 I have added a statement by Joseph P. Babcock regarding his development of his game and also added is the front page of… ...Read More